4 Best Techniques for Greatsword’s Tackle and Shoulder Bash Combo

Monster Hunter World (MHW) has managed to captivate players worldwide with a wide selection of weapons and intricate combat mechanics. It’s no wonder the Greatsword is a fan favorite and stands out as a powerful choice. The weapon is iconic due to its slow but devastating attacks.

There are many techniques Greatsword users should learn. However, the Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo stands out, as it’s one of the key techniques for Greatsword users. This combination can help turn an entire battle around in your favor.

However, many players either aren’t familiar with the Greatsword’s Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo, or they simply can’t get the hang of it. That’s why we’ll be delving into the intricacies of mastering the Tackle and Shoulder bash combo and exploring the key elements of its effectiveness. In this article, you can also learn four techniques that will enhance your Greatsword gameplay!

Master the Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash Combo

Greatsword's Tackle

The Greatsword’s Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo is a sequence that allows hunters to absorb incoming attacks and deal significant damage in return. This versatile and powerful combo has several techniques to master. However, let’s start with learning the basic mechanics of the Tackle and Shoulder Bash.

The sequence is comprised of two moves, the Tackle and the Shoulder Bash.

The Tackle is a unique move that offers the player both offensive and defensive capabilities. Initiating the tackle will help hunters absorb incoming damage, thereby interrupting monster attacks and setting themselves up for a powerful counter.

This is where the Shoulder Bash comes in, but only if you perform a successful Tackle. With the Shoulder Bash, you can deliver a devastating blow to the monster, dealing substantial damage and creating ample opportunity for more attacks. However, the Shoulder Bash is a maneuver that requires precise timing and an understanding of the monster you’re facing off against.

What Is the Key to Mastering the Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash Combo?

Greatsword's Tackle

There are a few key elements that contribute to mastering the Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo. We’ll explore them shortly below:

Patience and Timing

If you’ve decided to use the Greatsword as your main weapon, you’re probably already a patient person. However, if you’re not the patient kind, you must practice patience. The Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo, like many other Greatsword combos, relies on timing and understanding monster patterns. You must pick and choose your timing carefully and be patient. Mistiming your Tackle can have catastrophic consequences and leave you vulnerable to counterattacks from the monster.

Observing Monster Behavior

Knowing your enemy is half the battle, and this is also true for the Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo. To effectively employ this combo, you must be well acquainted with the monster’s behavior. Different monsters have unique attack patterns, tells, and openings. Observing the monster during the battle is also crucial so you can recognize the patterns and react accordingly. All of this information will help you anticipate when to execute a Tackle. This way, you can guarantee to absorb the monster’s attack and execute a successful Shoulder Bash.

Utilizing Armor Skills

Armor skills are very important in Monster Hunter World, so it’s no surprise they play a crucial role in enhancing the Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash Combo’s performance, as well. You should look to incorporate skills that boost evasion, guard, and attack power because these can significantly amplify the potential damage this combo deals. Experimenting with different armor sets and armor skills to find the one that has the highest damage output is a great idea. Additionally, this can help you get acquainted with the game’s mechanics better.

Customizing Your Weapon

Finally, it’s important to know a bit about customizing your Greatsword for the same reasons. All the different weapon augmentations in the game can have positive (or negative) effects on the Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo. All it takes is learning how many augmentations there are and their effects. Some upgrades may prioritize improving attack power while others focus on the sharpness or affinity of the Greatsword. Find the one that best suits your combat preferences and works well with the monster you’re fighting!

Four Techniques to Elevate Your Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash Combo

Greatsword's Tackle

Here are four techniques that can help you on your journey to mastering the Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo!

Perfecting the Tackle Timing

Mastering the Tackle’s timing is the most important step of the entire maneuver as it can enable you to perform a Shoulder Bash. You should initiate the Tackle just before the monster’s attack connects. This will allow you to absorb the damage and transition into the Shoulder Bash. If your timing is precise, you’ll be able to maximize your defensive capabilities and counterattack opportunities.

Comboing with Charged Attacks

Incorporating charged attacks into your Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo will enable you to deal more damage overall. You should charge your attack during the Tackle animation and release it as you execute the Shoulder Bash. This way, your attacks will pack a punch while ensuring your success.

Dodging with Tackle

You can use your Tackle as a way to dodge the monster’s attacks. Use the Tackle to evade the attacks while positioning yourself strategically for a counterattack. Although this technique requires precise timing and a deep understanding of the monster’s animations, it’s also a very rewarding skill if you know what you’re doing. 

Reading Monster Tells for Shoulder Bash Opportunities

Observing and recognizing monster tells is a great way to identify openings for the Shoulder Bash. Once you’ve learned these distinct animations that precede a monster’s vulnerable state, you can use the Tackle to position yourself for a well-timed Shoulder Bash. Your profound understanding of the monster’s behavior is crucial and will feel rewarding once you deal all that combo damage to the monster you’re facing off against.

Advanced Techniques to Enhance Your Greatsword Mastery

Greatsword's Tackle

The general rule of Monster Hunter World is that each monster you encounter is a new learning experience. The same stands true during your journey to master the Greatsword Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo. Overall, this journey should teach you more about adaptability. Depending on the monster you’re targeting, your priorities and stats should change as well.

Exploit Weaknesses

Nearly every monster in the game has elemental weaknesses and certain vulnerabilities. Making the most of these flaws is crucial to hunt efficiently. This is why you should use your Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo to target these specific areas. Doing this will enable you to deal more damage. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles to target these weak points, as this will help you maximize the impact of your Shoulder Bash.

Tackle Cancel into Advanced Maneuvers

Once you’re comfortable performing the Tackle maneuver, you may choose to take it a step further by incorporating Tackle Cancels into your routine. Once you initiate a Tackle, you can cancel the animation into a roll or a charged attack. This can help improve your versatility when it comes to approaching your foes. You can use the Tackle Cancel to adapt to the situation on the fly, evade unexpected attacks, and seamlessly transition from offensive to defensive and vice versa.

Team Coordination

If you’re doing multiplayer hunts, you should always be communicating and coordinating your attacks with your team. It’s important to know that the Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo can provide great support for your team. This is because it draws the monster’s aggro away from your teammates and protects them from powerful attacks. The Shoulder Bash, of course, contributes to your overall DPS in the party.

Environmental Awareness

One of the most charming aspects of Monster Hunter World is the dynamic and interactive environment you can battle monsters in. Many beginners will be glad to learn they can also incorporate the environment into their battle. However, you can also use the environment as a tool to execute your Tackle and Shoulder Bash combo. One example is to use slopes to slide into Tackles. There are many more interactions to be discovered when it comes to combos in battle. All it takes is the courage to experiment, so don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!